Tungsten Pipe Wraps

Tungsten Lead-Free Pipe Wraps

Lancs Industries leads the way in radiation safety with our Tungsten Pipe Wraps, providing unmatched protection in critical environments. We prioritize safety and efficiency, understanding their importance in your operations. Additionally, we also offer advanced Tungsten radiation shielding products such as Tungsten blankets and Tungsten tiles.

Why Tungsten Pipe Wraps?

Tungsten stands out for its exceptional density and attenuation properties, making it superior for shielding against radiation. Its higher density significantly reduces radiation exposure, surpassing other  materials  in safety and effectiveness. Moreover, tungsten is easier to dispose of after use than other materials.

Features of Tungsten Pipe Wraps

Unmatched High-Density Protection

The density of tungsten allows these pipe wraps to shield effectively against gamma rays, crucial for safeguarding personnel and sensitive equipment.


We excel in producing custom tungsten pipe wraps to meet your specific needs. Our manufacturing process allows us to produce  wraps of nearly any  size, ensuring they fit your piping systems perfectly. The user can use a knife to cut the wraps to the length needed for the particular shielding job.  


Our pipe wraps serve a broad range of industries, from nuclear energy to medical imaging, providing essential protection wherever radiation poses a risk.


We design our wraps for easy installation and removal, offering swift access to pipes for maintenance or inspection without compromising safety.


As a lead-free option, our tungsten wraps present an environmentally friendly radiation protection solution, minimizing your operations' environmental footprint.

Applications for Tungsten Pipe Wraps

Our Tungsten Pipe Wraps excel in various settings, including nuclear plants,  laboratories, and industrial sites where radiation protection is crucial. They are especially useful for covering pipes or valves that transport or contain radioactive materials, ensuring workplace safety.

Why Lancs Industries?

With over 50 years of expertise in radiation protection, Lancs Industries commits to delivering high-quality, reliable solutions that meet the unique demands of your industry. Our dedication to innovation, safety, and customer satisfaction shines through in our Tungsten Pipe Wraps.

Choose Lancs Industries' Tungsten Pipe Wraps for advanced material and engineering excellence, ensuring your operations remain safe, compliant, and efficient.

Learn More About Our Additional Tungsten Shielding Products

Innovative Flexible Shielding Technology

Safe and cost effective, our extensive menu of shielding products can be produced from Tungsten, Bismuth, or Iron.