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Lancs Industries Blog - The Radiation Post
Our blog covers topics relevant to the nuclear industry, from radon and radioactive decay to cosmic radiation and how to dispose of radiation waste. Don’t see a topic you’re looking for? Let us know

Radiation Protection for Radioactive Careers
A few months ago, we posted a blog about radioactive careers. Some of them were no-brainers, others were a bit surprising (airline pilots?). Because radiation exposure is cumulative, it’s important that those who work around radioactive materials – or in environments where radiation exposure it a potential threat – are more than adequately protective. …

Radiation Exposure Compensation – Do You Qualify?
The goal of any company who works with or around radioactive materials is to keep its workers safe. Or at least that should be the goal. Unfortunately, accidents happen. Sometimes those accidents are very big ones, like the nuclear accident involving Fukushima’s reactors after the March 2011 earthquake. In other cases, radiation exposure occurs through…

10 Signs of Radiation Sickness
Radiation sickness is caused by a harmful level of exposure to radioactive materials. It encompasses any negative physical side effects resulting from ionizing radiation exposure. That last point is important because there are two types of radiation: non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation is a product of the environment. We are exposed to it through light…

Radioactive Careers
Radiation has been a hot topic for a long time now. On one hand, it’s a natural byproduct of the sun and other radioactive elements found in Mother Nature. On the other hand, modern innovations have placed certain workers in a position where they experience more than their fair share of radiation exposure. The worst…

What is Scatter Radiation? Types and Safety Precautions
Most people are concerned about their own health and safety when they get an X-Ray. In truth, unless you receive frequent X-rays, the individuals who are at most risk for cumulative radiation damage are the radiology technicians who spend the bulk of their working day surrounded by radioactive waves and particles. While technicians typically retire…

A Brief History of X-Rays in Hospitals
Wouldn’t you have liked to be a fly on the wall when the first X-Rays were taken? Imagine how magical that would have seemed, to be able to see the bones and tougher soft tissues of the human body for the first time. It was seemingly miraculous for those who first experienced it. Wait, though.…

Understanding X-rays and X-ray Shielding
You probably already know that x-rays are used in the medical industry to lend doctors and other healthcare professionals more data about their patients. What you may not know is that x-rays, for all of their merits, are a form of ionizing, electromagnetic radiation that can damage human tissue – e.g., you or me –…

What is Radiation?
When many people hear the word “radiation,” they immediately think of its harmful effects. With so many warnings about radiation exposure in the news, it’s easy to relate radiation to cancer and environmental damage even though radiation can also be beneficial. For starters, it is important to state what radiation is not in relation to…

Radiation is Fun: Mars Mission Radiation Shield Competition
Here at Lancs Industries, we manufacture, design and sell all number of radiation shielding products. That includes the creation and development of products or clothing that are specifically tailored for our clients’ needs. It turns out that we aren’t the only ones interested in creating solutions for complex radiation exposure solutions; NASA recently held a…