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Founded in 1998, BOP Filter/Barriers has manufactured the leading flexible high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) grade filter in contamination and particulate control applications for nuclear and pharmaceutical environments. Lancs Industries has used these filters for over 10 years, and will continue BOP’s excellence in quality manufacturing in our Albuquerque, New Mexico facility.
Lancs and its BOP Filters subsidiary manufacture flexible HEPA grade filters for use in contamination and particulate control applications. The filters are custom designed, and can be produced in various sizes and shapes. These flat and flexible panel filters can be welded or heat sealed by Lancs into polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or polyurethane (PU) plastic film. Our filters have been used in waste volume reduction, personnel protection, hazardous particle containment, environment control for purity of pharmaceutical reactions, containment of explosive environments (such as hydrogen generation during chemical reactions) and over-pressure protection in containment barriers. Applications also exist in biohazards and medical waste disposal, asbestos removal, “clean room” ventilation and equipment protection from hazardous environments.
We produce two standard sizes of filters: 1.5″ and 3.5″ in diameter, but can manufacture them in different sizes if required. Our filters are made to be welded into bags, sleeves or other barrier materials. The filter media function is the same regardless of the barrier material used.
BOP Filter/Barriers LLC was formed in 1998 to develop and market the technology of US Patent Number 5,720,789*. The technology was invented by Paul A. Pinson at the Idaho National Laboratory (“INL”) as a solution to a nuclear waste bag venting problem regarding the need to allow air and other gasses to vent from sealed waste bags while maintaining containment of the nuclear contamination. The patent was assigned to the Idaho National Laboratory General Contractor at that time, and BOP Filter/Barriers LLC was formed to develop and commercialize the technology. Mr. Pinson, as BOP Filter/ Barriers LLC’s founder and technical lead worked closely with Lancs over the subsequent years, and in December 2011 Lancs acquired the business including its worldwide exclusive license for the patent from Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, INL’s current general contractor. Mr. Pinson serves as an advisor to Lancs on matters related to filter products.
Check back soon for our new product page featuring Flexible HEPA Grade Filters.
*“Method for Contamination Control and Barrier Apparatus with Filter for Containing Waste Materials that Include Dangerous Particulate Matter”
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